11 Μαρτίου 2011

Songs...growing inside me...so far

Codex - Radiohead
Μόνο αυτό το τραγούδι να έβγαζαν φέτος έφτανε.  Ένα πιάνο και η φωνή του Thom ομορφότερη απο ποτέ. Αριστούργημα.

Sleight of hand,
Jump off the end.
Into a clear lake,
No one around.

Just dragonflies,
Flying to the side.
No one gets hurt,
You're doing nothing wrong.

Slide your hand,
Jump off the end.
The water's clear and innocent.
The water's clear and innocent.

The Glorious Land - Pj Harvey
How is our glorious country ploughed?
Not by iron ploughs
Our lands is ploughed by tanks and feet,

Oh, America
Oh, England
How is our glorious country sown?
Not with wheat and corn.
How is our glorious land bestowed?

What is the glorious fruit of our land?
Its fruit is deformed children.
What is the glorious fruit of our land?
Its fruit is orphaned children.

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